we will be offering home funeral guidance, Bedside support, sacred vigil implementation, conscious completion and Death de-cluttering services…

stay tuned for more information in 2022!

  • Sacred vigil implementation

    An end-of-life vigil is the act of being with another toward death. A vigil at end-of-life occurs when significant others gather by the bedside of dying individuals in the weeks, days, or hours prior to the death event. ... We can plan ahead for what we want this to look like and also support the person dying & those around them in this process.

  • HOme funeral guidance

    A home funeral is what used to be called “a funeral” since all funerals took place in the family home. Nowadays it means choosing to keep a body at home after death, as opposed to having the body immediately picked up by a funeral home. It is a safe and legal choice for a family to make! (from the Order of the Good Death)

  • wrapping up affairs

    Sometimes after a loved one dies, they leave too many unanswered questions and wishes that are left to be deciphered. We can support you in the process of accessing & closing accounts, paying off debts and dispersing the estate & belongs of the family member or friend.