our mission & vision

Our mission at Outrider End of Life Arts is to demystify end of life preparations no matter the circumstance or age. We believe in fostering a death positive culture where all aspects of dying…before, during and after, can be discussed openly. Our goal is to support and empower folks to face this important transition with grace, strategy and presence.

We believe everyone has the right to a good death when possible and a dignified end on Earth. We advocate for the greening of the funerary arts through the use of innovative & less-toxic disposition methods. Our vision is to help others prepare for the eventual end so they may live more fully in the present.

“The Art of Dying Well: Planning for the Good Death.”

Outrider team

  • Courtney Wynn Sheets

    Courtney has 17+ years working with clients as a shiatsu therapist and esthetician primarily in New York City, New England and Arizona, and is now based in San Antonio, Texas. She has B.A.’s in Psychology and Communications from Purdue University and an M.A. in Feminist History (Religion & Spirituality focus) from New College of California. Through the deaths of both her parents and close loved ones in recent years she came to realize that denying the inevitable and avoiding planning for it only make the situation more stressful and painful. This also gave her the experience of designing home funerals and seeing the opportunity for bringing people together in not only mourning but also celebration. Her desire to shift taboos around the death conversation became more evident as well. A lifelong eco-consciousness has also served as an impetus to research less toxic burial practices.

    She found the Going With Grace program led by the incredible Alua Arthur (who was recently featured on an episode of Limitless) and became certified as an end-of-life doula in through her training program in 2021. She is NEDA proficient, an NEDA member, a member of Order of the Good Death and received volunteer training at Abode: Contemplative Care For The Dying in 2021 & 2023. She is also involved with the education committee at Abode and a volunteer.

    Her focus has been on creating end-of-life workbooks based on laws in individual states so that people know their rights and also have their affairs in order BEFORE they are sick or in a crisis. These workbooks are practical guides to everything you need to consider around end of life planning, as well as the spiritual and psychological dimensions of death. She holds memento mori workshops based on art history and personal feelings around death, she planning a group exhibit around contemporary memento mori for May 11, 2024 at her gallery outrider art + objects.

    Miss Sheets is an artist and helps run a gallery in San Antonio, TX. She draws portraits (often in memorial), and her partner creates one-of-a-kind urns out of reclaimed ceramics.

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(929) 215-1061

Serving nationally & Virtually
Based in San Antonio, Texas